

Effective (and Non-Creepy) Ways to Stalk People on LinkedIn

How to Stalk People on LinkedIn. If you’re a job seeker, you probably already know that you need insider access to the position you’re after: a key contact at the company, the direct email address of the hiring manager, or the real scoop on what will make your application stand out among the thousands of others.

But you also know that’s easier said than done. If you don’t have friends and family who can help you get a foot in the door, how do you get this elusive access?
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Outplacement is the efforts made by a downsizing company to help former employees through the transition to new jobs and help them re-orient to the job market.  A consultancy firm usually provides the outplacement services which are paid for by the former employer and are achieved through practical advice and psychological support.
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Employee & Management Assistance Programs – Outplacement

Payroll and Employee Benefits – Employee & Management Assistance Programs – Outplacement

Nearly 20 million Americans were either laid off or discharged from their positions in 2013. While it’s a startling figure, it’s still 928,000 less than the total in 2012 and 4.1 million less than in 2008 as the Great Recession hit its peak, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labour Statistics.

While the path toward full-fledged economic recovery is still far from complete and layoffs continue, executives are increasingly recognising that the ways in which restructuring is implemented and organisations are positioned for growth are directly affected by the way they treat both exiting and remaining employees.
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Redundancies – Retrenchment – Redeployment

Australian Government Fair Work Ombudsman – Ending Employment – Unfair dismissal

Unffair dismissal

Unfair  dismissal  is  when  an  employee  is  dismissed  from their  job  in  a  harsh,  unjust  or unreasonable manner.
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